Virtual Choir                                                                 425-766-5140

with the Eastside Girls Choir (501c3)

Directed by:Kathleen Radke Higgins

Try out our virtual choir!  

Wednesdays at 4:00-4:30

May 20th  &  May 27th

Open to all elementary age kids

Link to the ZOOM meeting:

and if needed:

Meeting ID: 787 9849 2942

Password: sing

Directed by Kathleen Higgins

sponsored by the Eastside Girls Choir (501c-3)

For more information, or for an email with link send an email to:

*we NEVER share emails

Let’s Sing!!!

Tips for a good rehearsal:

Close all unnecessary apps

Have a good internet connection

Best to stand up when singing

I’m assuming you are all very tech savvy but please don’t hesitate to ask if you need help with the process.